Medicine Consultation

At Sage Integrative Health, we believe health care should not only be approached from a holistic perspective but also intertwine the best of both ancient and modern medicine. In an Integrative Medicine Consultation, your provider will do a thorough health history intake and physical exam to get a sense of what is going on from both an Eastern and Western perspective.

Together, you will come up with the primary goals for your care and receive guidance in service of these goals. After the appointment, your provider will put together a custom treatment plan that may include nutrition, supplements, herbal medicine, and lifestyle recommendations, depending on your needs. If you are seeing a psychiatric prescriber at Sage, they will consult with the prescriber directly to collaborate on your care. This way your mental health care can truly be integrative and with the support of a team, help you reconnect with a sense of wholeness.
Meet Our Herbalists:
Ancient + Innovative Wisdom in Medicine
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