Molly Anderson, NP

Adult Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Molly has been practicing as a board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioner since 2007. She brings a wide range of experience with alternative approaches to health and wellbeing. Her practical approach to treatment includes thoughtful use of medication, somatic approaches and psychotherapy. She takes an open stance towards emerging therapies that can be used to process past experiences and move towards a greater sense of meaning and belonging.

Treatment with Molly begins with an initial 60 minute visit. Medication support is provided during 30 minute follow-up appointments at a frequency ranging from two weeks to three months. During that time, medication may be added, reduced or removed in the context of psychotherapy, lifestyle changes or other therapeutic modalities.
"Molly is a highly-skilled, patient and attuned nurse practitioner. She listens with her heart and offers a safe, supportive and clear environment for each client."

- J, Berkeley
Provider Services
Ancient + Innovative Wisdom in Medicine
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