Somatic Therapy

Somatic therapy is a body-centered therapeutic modality. Our Somatic Therapy providers at Sage have extensive training in Somatic Experiencing™ (SE), a model of somatic therapy developed by Dr. Peter Levine through studying mammals' bodily responses to traumatic events. While animals are usually able to effectively "shake off" the impact of trauma on the body, humans have lost this capacity. For humans, traumatic events are often overwhelming to the nervous system, cannot be processed effectively in the moment, and get trapped in the body producing painful and disturbing symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, hypervigilance, and bodily tension.

Somatic Therapy supports the resolution of trauma by working with the body's innate capacity to heal. This body-centered approach bypasses the conscious mind and allows access to trauma that lingers in the body, supporting the release and processing of the emotional and physiological symptoms.

Meet Our Somatic Therapy Providers:
Ancient + Innovative Wisdom in Medicine
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